Deepen Your Practice at a 10-Week Lil Omm Yoga Course
Pleasance Silicki wants to create a space where women can really grow in their yoga practice and deepen their experience, which is why she exclusively offers 10-week yoga courses at Lil Omm Yoga. The current course is up at the end of May, which means she’ll invite a new group of yogis to take advantage of her expertise this summer.
The 10-week yoga series meets once a week for one hour, but the time and day varies during each session. When you commit to a course, you’ll learn the basics of yoga postures and breathing, as well as much more. Pleasance also teaches her pupils about the benefits of meditation and how to do it, what the moon cycles mean, and the general principles of Ayurveda. So keep an eye out for the next course and snag a spot.